
Historically, we are told, conspiracy theories are the outcome of stress. Each time things go wrong, or are perceived to be going wrong, some people will come up with all kinds of ideas as to why this happened and who is to blame. I hardly need to remind my readers that, with COVID-19 running amok over the world, conspiracy theories concerning the disease’s origin are floating around like confetti in air. The more so because the Net provides even the proverbial “common” man (or woman, I suppose, but this seems to be one male domain feminists are not in a hurry to invade) with an opportunity to spread his views. So I’ve done your work for you and collected some of the theories I could find.

  1. COVID originated in the Chinese city of Wuhan, long known to be a center of pharmacological as well as biological warfare research. At some point something went wrong. A virus escaped from the lab where it was being either manufactured or modified. Each virus measures about one 120 nanometers (one millionth of a millimeter) on the average. The outcome? Perhaps 5.5 million dead so far.
  2. COVID did originate in a lab. However it was not located in Wuhan. Rather, it was a Canadian lab which first came up with the virus, only to have it stolen by Chinese scientists who were working there and took it to Wuhan in order to continue their experiments with it. The scientists later had their license to work in Canada revoked. Too late.
  3. The virus was created by the CIA, or the US Army, or some other equally nefarious American organization. Special mention in this context was made of Fort Detrick, Maryland, where this kind of research is being conducted and which has sometimes been named in connection with Anthrax and similar nice diseases. However, up to 200 other US labs spread all over the world may also be involved. This, of course, is the mirror image of No. 1 on the present list.
  4. The virus was created and spread by Jewish/Zionist/Israeli organizations out to emasculate the world in general and the Islamic part of it in particular. As has also been the case in some other countries, an Israeli vaccine against COVID now under development is itself said to be part of this campaign.
  5. COVID is being deliberately spread by members of the Muslim minorities in such countries as India and Britain in order, ultimately, to depopulate those countries and take over.
  6. COVID is part of a global attempt by global governments to expand their control over the global population.
  7. 7. COVID is part of a global attempt by global corporations to prevent the billions of people under their rule from expressing their resentment and weaken them.
  8. 8. COVID is a global attempt by left wingers to do away with global corporations and their power over the people everywhere.
  9. COVID is being spread by fifth-generation cellphones. This theory is said to have led to at least twenty attacks on mobile phone masts in Britain alone, not counting thirty or so confrontations with the technicians who were trying to install them. Causation apart, the spread of electronic communications has been blamed both for alleged attempts to under-state the effects of COVID and to exaggerate them.
  10. COVID came to us riding piggyback on meteorites arriving from outer space. According to one variation of the theory, it is part of an attempt by extraterrestrials to take over the earth.
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  12. Corona spreads by eating bats or snakes, both of which are sold for food in the abovementioned city of Wuhan.
  13. Bill Gates created COVID in order to sell more of the vaccines he and his corporations are developing.

All these theories, and many more like them, can easily be found on the Net. Many have been investigated at enormous length. No good evidence has ever been found for any of them, making them and their authors easy to debunk and ridicule. As a great many of them undoubtedly deserve to be.

Still I suggest you keep in mind two, and only two, sentences:

“Man is the conspiring animal” (John Larouche.)*

“No one believes there is a conspiracy to kill the emperor until he is killed” (the Emperor Domitian, before he himself fell victim to a conspiracy and was killed).


* A now deceased, self-appointed, leader of the Democratic Party and eternal candidate for US president who visited me at home when I lived in Germany.

And Still Mankind Survived

COVID 19. HIV. Overpopulation. Too much C02 and any number of other harmful substances in the air, in the ground, in the seas. “Huge” fires in places as far apart as Turkey and Canada. “Unprecedented” droughts in parts of Africa. “Disappearing” glaciers. “Unbelievable” floods. “Immense” numbers of casualties. Open whatever news bulletin you choose—I myself do so several times a day, in several different languages—and the message is always the same. Following a nefarious combination of unrestrained growth and neglect, the world is on the brink of disaster. Unless “we” do something, and quickly, the bells will soon be ringing over our graves. Provided, of course, there is anyone left to dig the graves in the first place.

Far be it from me to question all this. For those who are interested, though, I have drawn up a list of the twelve largest (as measured by the number of dead) disasters in history. I take, as my non-plus ultra, the year 1945. A moment in history when the earth’s population was only about a quarter of what it is now, and decades before anyone heard of global warming and the like.

Name of event Year Highest estimated number of dead
Antonine Plague 165-180 12,000,000
Plague of Justinian 541-542 50,000,000
Black Death 1346-53 200,000,000
Cocolitzli (Mexico) Epidemic 1545-48 15,000,000
Indian Famine 1773-93 21,000,000
Third Plague Pandemic 1855-1945 12,000,000
Chinese Famine 1876-79 13,000,000
Chinese Famine 1907 25,000,000
Spanish Flu 1918-20 50,000,000
Chinese Floods 1931-35 42,000,000
Now to the post-1945 figures. They are as follows:
Great Chinese Famine 1958-61 55,000,000
HIV 1981- 35,000,000
COVID 2021-21 4,000,000

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Both before and after 1945, all the rest were much smaller. As the Talmud says, each person is a world unto him (or, for God’s sake, her) self. Statistics are the most heartless form of knowledge; the amount of suffering they contain or, if one prefers, conceal is both immeasurable and endlessly varied. Still, two conclusions follow from all this. First, the most deadly events of all have always been disease, famine, and floods; by contrast earthquakes, eruptions, tsunamis, avalanches, various kinds of storms, heatwaves, fires, etc. hardly count. Second, adjusted for the earth’s population as it was at the time it occurred, almost any one of the pre-1945 figures far exceeds those pertaining to the post-1945 period.

And still mankind survived. Do I have to say more?