How Can I Help Palestine?

“How Can I help Palestine” is the title of a short essay I stumbled across on Quora, one of those websites on which you can ask (almost) anything and get answers from (almost) anyone. I thought it was amusing, so I am copying it here.


How can I help Palestine? I have been boycotting Israeli products. What more can I do?

Throw away its computer. Many of its components were invented or perfected in Israel.

Don’t use texting or instant messaging. Invented or perfected in Israel.

Don’t buy generic drugs. The world’s largest supplier is Teva, an Israeli company. Be sure to pay full price.

Be careful what apps you use on your cell phone. Many of the popular ones were developed in Israel.

Basically, think about how your parents lived in the 1950s and 1960s and use that as the basis of your spending decisions. If it wasn’t in your mother’s kitchen back in the day, chances are Israel has a hand in its current incarnation.

On the other hand buy as much olive oil, dates and figs as you can. They are the mainstays of the Palestinian economy.